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Al Buraq Animal

Al-Buraq: The Mythical Creature of Islamic Tradition

Buraq, the White Celestial Steed

Buraq, a creature of Islamic folklore and religious significance, is a mythical animal that is said to have transported the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem during his Night Journey (Isra and Mi'raj). Described as a white steed smaller than a mule but larger than a donkey, Buraq possessed the ability to travel at incredible speeds, surpassing the speed of lightning. Its appearance and characteristics have been depicted in various accounts and artwork throughout Islamic history.

A Symbol of Spiritual Ascension

In Islamic tradition, Buraq symbolizes the Prophet Muhammad's spiritual ascension to heaven. The creature's ability to traverse vast distances and ascend to the heavens represents the Prophet's journey to the divine presence. Buraq's white color is often associated with purity and enlightenment, further emphasizing the spiritual significance of the journey.

The story of Buraq has been transmitted through generations of Muslims, inspiring and captivating believers with its message of spiritual elevation and the boundless nature of faith.
